Learn to Skydive

Join our Accelerated Freefall (AFF) or Accelerated Skydiving Program (ASP.

Learn to skydive AFF student flying her parachute at sunset


We love introducing people to this amazing sport and watching them grow.

The AFF and ASP programs are how we do it. The AFF program consists of seven levels and can be completed in seven jumps. On each skydive, you will learn new skills that take you one step (or leap, as the case may be) toward being a certified skydiver. The ASP Program is the same jump progression as AFF, with 2 Tandem Jumps made prior to your first AFF Level.

You will learn to be stable in freefall, make turns, do back and front loops, move horizontally, safely interact with other jumpers, and steer your parachute to landing in the target area.​

Upon graduation, you will be cleared to solo-status, allowing you to jump by yourself and be on your way in your skydiving career. You will be certified worldwide as a novice skydiver and start to qualify you for your USPA A license.

Ground School

For both the AFF and ASP Programs, you will receive 6-8 hours of ground school Prior to the first AFF jump. In this class, we will cover everything you need to know about making a skydive, including equipment, aircraft procedures, exit procedure, freefall position, opening your parachute, addressing emergency situations, and navigating to the landing area.

Prior to each subsequent jump, you will receive a 30-60 minute briefing.

7 Levels

Accelerated Freefall Course (AFF)

Levels 1-3

On the first three AFF jumps, you are accompanied by two certified instructors who initially act as "training wheels" to help you stabilize in freefall, observe your progress, and correct errors in body position or technique. On Level 3, you will exit the aircraft just like every other jump. Only this time, once you gain stability, both instructors will release you - for the first time, you will be in full control of your freefall unassisted.

Levels 4-7

On the remaining four AFF jumps, one jumpmaster will accompany you and coach you to more advanced skills such as 360 degree turns, back loops, and eventually exiting the aircraft unassisted.

9 Levels

Accelerated Skydiving Program (ASP)

This is our most popular method for students - the Accelerated Skydiving Program is very similar to the AFF Course, with two Tandem Skydives made prior to making the AFF Level 1.

ASP Levels 1-2 (Tandems)

On the first three AFF jumps, you are accompanied by two certified instructors who initially act as "training wheels" to help you stabilize in freefall, observe your progress, and correct errors in body position or technique. On Level 3, you will exit the aircraft just like every other jump. Only this time, once you gain stability, both instructors will release you - for the first time, you will be in full control of your freefall unassisted.The first two jumps of the ASP Program are tandems. You will be securely harnessed to an instructor, allowing you to experience the emotions and sensations of a skydive prior to jumping with your own parachute. On your second tandem, you will be introduced to equipment, procedures, and maneuvers that will prepare you to begin your progression toward wearing your own parachute.

ASP Level 3 (AFF L1)

On ASP Level 3, you are accompanied by two certified instructors who initially act as "training wheels" to help you stabilize in freefall, observe your progress, and correct errors in body position or technique.

ASP Levels 4-9 (AFF L2-L7)

On the remaining six ASP jumps, one instructor will accompany and coach you to more advanced skills such as 360 degree turns, back loops, and eventually exiting the aircraft unassisted.

USPA A-License

The next step after AFF or ASP is to obtain your USPA A-License by completing 25 jumps and pre-requisites that include maneuvers beyond those covered in the AFF/ASP courses. We also offer an A-License package that includes the AFF/ASP, post-AFF/ASP jumps, gear rental, and three coaching jumps. In other words, when you purchase the A-license package, you won't pay an additional dime for jumps, gear rental, or instruction until you have an A-License! Contact us for more information on this full package.

Solo Jumps

Upon completing AFF/ASP, you are no longer a student, and are cleared for solo jumps. Prior to purchasing your own gear, rental equipment is available at a rate of $45 per jump, or $80 per day. Jump ticket prices will vary based on aircraft and altitude.


Each jump can be purchased a-la-carte, or we offer the full AFF or ASP Courses for $1,699.

Please contact us for individual per-jump pricing.